Nexus Click Safety Adapter
Connecting to you
Following the introduction of Osseointegration in The Netherlands, we have now developed a Unique Click Safety Adapter serving as a connection (Nexus) between body and prosthetic. With an easy to use and single handed quick Secure.
Advantage of the Nexus Click Safety Adapter
- Better sitting position and therefore fewer back problems
- Reduced falling risk due to improved surface feeling
- Fewer skin, wound and transpiration problems
- The prosthesis can easily be put on and off
- Easy to reset Secure & Slip mechanism
- For above and below the knee usage
- 120° spring ball alignment feedback
- 360° Rotational Translator 0, 15, 30
- Exchangeable 0, 15, 30, Translator
- One Nexus fits right and left
- No Metal on Metal contact
- Longer and better mobility
- Exchangeable Interface
- Secure connection
- Rubber Damping
- Bilateral usability

Today’s Socket
Losing an extremity is a lifechanging event, resulting in long and heavy rehabilitation trajectories.
Socket disadvantages:
- No anatomical balance
- Limited use of Prosthetic
- Short walking distances
- No sitting comfort
- Skin problems & wounds
- No unity with prosthetic
- Difficult to de- and re-attach