Bernd-Spiessl-Symposium 2012

the 8th international Bernd-Spiessl-Symposium 2012 for Innovative and Visionary Technologies in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery Face and Identity | Light and Body Interaction in Arts and Medicine Thursday, June 14th – Saturday 16th, 2012 | Basel – Switzerland University Hospital | Zentrum für Lehre & Forschung | Hebelstrasse 20 | Basel

Bike accident

In August 2004, Marc, a healthy 21 year old, was riding his bicycle when suddenly a woman stepped onto the road in his path. He swerved to avoid her, lost control over the bicycle and fell to the ground with his head first. This impact caused traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injury can cause a…

Xilloc winner Additive Manufacturing Award 2012

Source Made in Europe Worlds first total mandibular replacement has won the additive manufacturing award 2012. To treat a senior patient suffering from a progressive osteomyelitis within almost the entire lower jawbone, medical specialists and surgeons opted for the total replacement with a patient‐specific implant for the first time ever. Together with Prof. Dr. Poukens Xilloc Medical designed and delivered this…

Winner ShellLiveWIRE

Xilloc Medical has won the prestigious Shell LiveWIRE Award 2011. The winner was announced by Maxime Verhagen, Minister of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. Congratulations of Minister Verhagen “Companies like Xilloc Medical prove that entrepreneurs with a technical background are an asset to the Dutch Economy,” said the minister. “Their ideas they don’t just build a company, they…

MUMC+ Advances Cranial Implant Technology with PEEK-OPTIMA 1 June 2010

Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC+) has developed a novel cranio-maxillofacial implant technology that uses an advanced polymer biomaterial, PEEK-OPTIMA®, from Invibio Biomaterial Solutions, to extend benefits to patients with severe malformation and defects of the skull and facial region. Patient-specific cranial implants are most commonly used to treat skull defects resulting from trauma, tumors and aneurysms.  The PEEK-OPTIMA…