TMJ Conference

Xilloc Medical is present at the International Conference on TMJ Biology, Diagnosis and Surgical Management on October  4th and 5th in Groningen. Here we present the new concept of the custom Grongingen-TMJ, our brand new patient-specific temporomandibular joint implant, developed in collaboration with the University Medical Centre Groningen. This new and improved custom GTMJ, on the right in…

Xilloc on Facebook

We like! Xilloc is happy to announce our facebook page: This page is intended for everyone who wants to read and share stories about custom implants and who is interested in the company Xilloc. Facebook’s timeline gives a nice overview of important events in the history of Xilloc. Like our page to receive updates.  

MedX launched for easy online ordering

As of today, Xilloc launches MedX , our easy online ordering system for patient-specific implants and anatomical models. From now on, medical professionals can use MedX to order custom products for their patients. The MedX system makes it easy, yet interactive and 3D. It eliminates redundant paperwork and reduces the ordering process to a few…

EACMFS 2012 Dubrovnik

[pl_carousel name=”PageLinesCarousel”] [pl_carouselimage first=”yes” title=”” imageurl=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/header_image32.jpg” ] XXI Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo- Facial Surgery 11 − 15 September 2012 Dubrovnik. [/pl_carouselimage] [pl_carouselimage title=”” imageurl=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/header_image12.jpg”] [/pl_carouselimage] [pl_carouselimage title=”” imageurl=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/header_image21.jpg”] [/pl_carouselimage] [/pl_carousel] Meet Xilloc Medical this year at the EACMFS 2012 We chair the “Custom-Made Implants” session on Friday, September 14th. From 9.00am to…

Marc Jacob

“It felt like a pit stop” – Marc Jacob. If I was treated directly with two patient specific implants, it would have saved me six “wasted” years. I am Marc Jacob, feel free to read my story…